Energy Healing


Healing comes in a variety of forms. Which is best for you?

Energy-based approaches to health and healing broaden and improve our capability to care for our clients holistically—vis-à-vis the mind, body, and spirit. These therapies emphasize caring for the whole person, interacting with and influencing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.


Healing Touch

Otherwise known as Energy Healing.

60 Mins | $75

Healing Touch, or HT, is a therapy that uses gentle hand techniques to guide a client’s energy field, in order to stimulate healing. These non-invasive techniques utilize the hands to clear, energize and balance the body.

Chakra Connection

90 Mins | $125

The seven Chakras correspond to bundles of nerves, organs and areas of our bodies that affect our emotional health and well-being. This innovative technique intends to promote relaxation and balance during daily life and through its challenges, including energy work for the Chakras.

Chakra Spread

90 Mins | $125

Our aim is to maximize your stress relief and to maintain and enhance the flow of your Chakra system. Chakra Spread is utilized to promote deep relaxation and continued balance of your energies, and to ease physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transitions that may occur in your life.

Lymphatic Clearing

60 Mins | $95

The lymphatic system—composed of vessels, nodes, and ducts—passes through most bodily tissues. Lymph fluid filters out and protects the body from damaged cells, bacteria, and other foreign bodies. A healthy lymphatic system uses the movements of smooth muscle to do this, but surgery or medical conditions can inhibit the body’s natural ability. This therapy can be introduced as a total-body intervention, or locally to an affected area.

Distance Healing

60 mins | $65

From the comfort of your own home, embark on a journey that will be relaxing and explorative. Distance Healing works much like in-person Healing Touch, but through virtual means(appointments can be held over the phone or via Zoom). Distance Healing has the capability to balance, align, and replenish one's energy field.